Thursday, January 15, 2009

i went sku today

xin reli grew up alot =)

yes,i understand wat u mean
actually i tot my feelings towards nn is jz like urs towards wl,but..yea,maybe,like u said,i dun hv any better target..wat he done is,he jz gave me some reactions n make me feel i'm not hopeless n so on..i continue liking him,with more hope?watever

if i like him but i pretend i'm not; or hiding this feeling or tried to get him off my mind,this is reli not a good idea,AT ALL!!
i leant how to listen to my heart n follow my feelings =)
if i wanted to talk to him,i'll jz chat wif him like everyone else..if i'm missing him,i'll let mysf to think abt him,dun wanna act macam ntg this time
well,i'm sure i can control mysf n slowly come out from this "odd" feeling

today went back sku to get our MUET result
i saw YY!!!he cut his hair,and he still looks so so so adorable
and i saw my SGMN,she cut her hair too,still so cute ^^
i saw alots lotsa ppl n frens...i miss them =(
well,not reli wanted to talk abt results today,not in a RIGHT mood now
atmosphere around is not good,my frens n buddies kinda low~aiks,local edu suxx la
bye bye

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