Tuesday, July 13, 2010

heyyy,i'm back!

it's almost one month i didnt update my blog
after reading eu's blog,i feel like i should write something too

this was the best semester break i had,i went to China twice,to Beijing and Shanghai.
the first one is to attend a summer programme offered by the China HanBan (chinese education ministry),we stayed for 21 days and traveled to many many beautiful places.undeniably,i love Beijing, but not counting in the china people.THEY ARE WAY TOO RUDE!
and the following trip is all by my own,i went Shanghai, initially, to visit the World EXPO, but ended i spent more time to meet my friends and walked around with them.it's a great experience to EXPO,but believe me it wasnt THAT great like everyone said.one day is enough.
when i met all of my ex-coursemates in SJTU,i felt so sad,if it wasnt of the offer letter from UM,i will be there right now, staying with them, studying with them, having fun with them, clubbing with them, working in EXPO with them....
i always miss the life with my form6 friends and with the SJTUians

ok,back to the lovely malaysia by sunday night,tired like hell.
today,is the second day of my 2nd year life,still the same,my life is busy and packed.i swear i'm not going to join THIS much activities next year,i should really reserve my precious university semester break for my dear friends,i know you guys are blaming me for not appearing in much of the gatherings,haha

i moved to a new room, in the same College(hostel),and i had new roommates,beautiful girls :)
it's a stressful thing to stay with coursemate, i start to feel it now.not that she's not good, but i will stress on myself alot to avoid doing things that will cause her anger or dissatisfaction towards me.i'm now learning "the way of living", it's tough.

woohoo people~it's the new semester!!!!cheer up cheer up!! i believe all of us will have a great great time enjoying/busying with our lifes of 2nd year.no matter what,just be you and have fun!
ps: welcome the new juniors to my faculty my college my university and, welcome to my life =)

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