Tuesday, April 10, 2012

band 5 darling, where have you gone?

i always say to myself, even though i'm majoring in chinese, i should never give up improving my english.
but somehow as time goes by, due to my study background, i could hardly write a full english essay, not even a blog post you see. sometimes, when i find myself in need of speaking out or shouting out through blog posts, Chinese is my first choice of using, not English anymore. I find english too difficult for me to express my feelings and it takes more time to build sentences in full. my enligsh standard is now limited to chats and smses only.

how sad.

OK! i have to force myself to write whatever something in every 2 weeks! at least to maintain the writing skills
i want my band 5 english back!
darling,come back to mama here!

1 comment:

unsavoury said...

ur last sentences funny leh..hahahah..